- Allied professionals
- eHealth
- Fitness clubs
- Long term care facilities
- Medical billing
- Outpatient clinics
- Personal enhancement facilities (medical spas)
- Skilled nursing
- Staffing services
We understand the healthcare insurance market for allied health professionals, medical practitioners, and companies affiliated with practitioners. And we have excellent relationships with quality providers that will underwrite despite gaps in coverage, bad loss history, and other issues deemed undesirable in the standard market. Our team of specialists will help you tailor a program specific to your clients’ unique exposures. Let us handle the details so you can focus on winning more healthcare clients.
Specialty Areas
- Crime/fidelity
- Cyber liability
- Directors & officers
- Employment practices liability
- Errors & omissions
- Fiduciary liability
- General liability
- Intellectual property
- Medical malpractice
- Pollution liability
- Professional liability
- Regulatory liability (RAC Audits)
- Sexual misconduct liability
- Workers’ compensation
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Fun Fact: Surgeons still use leeches to drain clotting blood from patients.(1)