
Understanding Data Breach & Cyber Liability Insurance

The average global cost of a data breach increased by 15% in a three-year period, reaching $4.45 million in 2023. As a result, insurance agents need to become more familiar with da...

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Workers Comp vs Occupational Accident Insurance Compared

American 1099 independent contract workers are entitled to safe worksites and protection through their employers in the form of workers’ compensation. In some cases, workers’ compe...

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Backdating Workers Comp Insurance

One of the biggest administrative nightmares for insurance companies is dealing with coverage lapses. This is even more challenging when dealing with requests to backdate workers' ...

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What is a waiver of subrogation? Types and Benefits

A waiver of subrogation is an insurance provision prohibiting a provider from using a third party to recover damages for losses they paid out. They appear in various contracts such...

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What is Miscellaneous Professional Liability (MPL) Insurance?

If you cater to professional clients, you can help protect their finances through Miscellaneous Professional Liability Insurance (MPL). Although professional liability can help, MP...

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Occupational Accident Insurance for Truckers - What’s Covered?

Occupational accident insurance for truckers provides an opportunity in a niche market targeting 1099 truck drivers. The owner-operator might be working under assignment for a moto...

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Cyber Insurance Coverage Checklist for Agents

Cyber insurance and privacy liability coverage for businesses continue to increase in demand, with very real threats putting pressure on companies to protect information. While thi...

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