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Building Your Defense

The Contractors Guard Construction Defect Program is your comprehensive solution to managing costly and time-consuming construction defect (CD) claims. Designed for contractors, this program uses state-specific statutes to resolve potential claims swiftly and effectively, keeping your insurance options secure and affordable.

  • Leverages State Statutes: Utilizes state statutes that provide contractors with an opportunity to repair alleged defects, potentially eliminating CD claims altogether.
  • CD Legal Coverage: Includes coverage for attorney fees and other legal costs incurred when filing required paperwork.
  • Proactive Claim Prevention: Minimizes the impact on insurance loss ratios, helping to protect future coverage costs.
  • Integrated Premium: The total premium, inclusive of taxes and fees, is included in your Contractors Guard quote, ensuring no additional costs outside of the insurance premium.

Choosing the Contractors Guard program ensures you’re equipped with multiple advantages to strengthen your business operations while mitigating risks, including:

  • Claim Elimination: Allows you to fix issues during the repair period, reducing the probability of claims.
  • Cost Management: Helps keep your insurance premiums competitive by limiting loss ratio impacts.
  • Simplified Coverage: Provides legal protection and peace of mind under one premium-inclusive solution.
  • Blanket coverage forms automatically included
  • Coverage for subcontractor work performed on your behalf
  • Blanket AI at no cost
  • Expansion of tract home limitation
  • Subcontractor compliance monitoring available
  • Removal of subsidence exclusion
  • Warranty review and recommendations
  • Expansion of condo / townhome work limitation
  • Removal of height limitation


  • General Liability
  • Property Insurance
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • Excess Liability
  • Equipment Breakdown
  • Pollution Liability


The Contractors Guard Construction Defect Program is available in states with "Right to Repair" statutes. As of May 30, 2024, 23 states have active right-to-repair laws. All accounts are subject to underwriter review and the program's terms and conditions.

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