- Agriculture
- Automotive services
- Cannabis
- Chemical
- Commercial real estate
- Construction
- Demolition
- Educational facilities
- Excavation
- Healthcare
- Hospitality
- Manufacturing
- Landfills
- Marine terminals
- Mining
- Pharmaceuticals
- Property development
- Railroads
- Restoration and remediation
- Transportation
- Warehousing

Wholesale Environmental & Pollution Insurance
Environmental mishaps are a concern for many industries and can be financially catastrophic to remedy. Environmental insurance may help protect against losses but the environmental liability market is challenging to navigate. Our team of specialists will help you tailor a comprehensive risk management program for your client’s unique risk profile. Whether they operate in agriculture, healthcare, manufacturing, or other risk-adverse industry, we can help make sure your clients are adequately protected.
- Contractor’s pollution
- Environmental contractors and
consultants - Environmental impairment
- Lenders legal liability
- Manufacturer's product pollution
- Mold
- Non-owned disposal
- Pollution legal
- Professional liability
- Site pollution
- Storage tank (USTs and ASTs)
- Transportation pollution
- Workers’ compensation
FAQs – Environmental
What is environmental insurance and pollution liability insurance?
Environmental insurance, or pollution liability insurance, is coverage that specifically protects businesses in the event of a pollution or environmental mishap. It may potentially cover pollution cleanup costs and costs associated with the legalities of liability claims related to an incident, and much more. Our specialists can explain the details involved with environmental insurance and pollution liability insurance so you can determine the best program for your clients.
Who should buy environmental insurance and pollution insurance?
Basically, any business that is involved with using chemicals or materials that can affect the soil or environment should consider environmental insurance and pollution insurance. Landscapers, manufacturing plants, pharmaceutical companies, warehouses, demolition and excavation companies, healthcare organizations, construction companies, transportation companies, are just some of the obvious businesses that should include environmental insurance and pollution insurance in their overall program.
What type of protection does environmental insurance and pollution liability insurance provide?
There are many coverages to consider across environmental insurance, including pollution liability insurance, site pollution, storage tanks, pollution from manufacturing, contractor’s pollution, transportation pollution, and many more. Depending on your client’s industry and business exposures, our team will provide a quote or customize an entire program.
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Fun Fact: Agriculture accounts for ~70% of global freshwater withdrawals.(1)