- City and state
- Municipality and county
- Public officials
- Public schools
- Universities
Public Entity
If you need comprehensive and cost-effective coverages specific to the unique exposures that are inherent in municipal, county, city, and/or state entities, public schools and universities, and government agencies, then we can help. Our specialists have solid relationships with underwriters that specialize in coverages for this often hard-to-place business, such as abuse and molestation, directors & officers, intellectual property, and much more. Let us help you win your next public entity account.
Specialty Areas
- Abuse and Molestation
- Auto liability
- Crime/fidelity
- Cyber liability
- Directors & officers
- Employment practices liability
- Errors & omissions
- Fiduciary liability
- General liability
- Intellectual property
- Professional liability
- Property
- Sexual misconduct liability
- Workers’ compensation